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Fullmer Arboretum

Fullmer Arboretum

The Fullmer Arboretum was founded in 1919 by Edward L. Fullmer, professor of botany at BW from 1903 to 1940. It includes the area bounded by Fifth Street on the north, Beech Street on the east, Bagley Road on the south and Front Street on the west. The original mission of the Fullmer Arboretum has expanded to now include the entire campus landscape. In 2016, the Arbor Day Foundation recognized BW as a Tree Campus USA.


The Fullmer Arboretum’s more than 1500 trees represent a diverse collection of species. 53% of the trees are native to Northeast Ohio.

BW's campus landscape supports the University's educational mission of building a foundation for lifelong learning and preparing students to become contributing, compassionate citizens of an increasingly global society. The campus landscape advances this mission by (1) maintaining a diverse and strategic collection of species and ecosystems that represent the biological diversity of Northeast Ohio, and (2) demonstrating principles of horticulture, landscape design, conservation and sustainability.

In 1958, Donald Dean, professor of biology, outlined principles for the arboretum that remain important to our campus landscape:

  • An arboretum is primarily a teaching device.
  • Any trees planted in the area should be selected with the educational objectives of the arboretum in mind.
  • A constant goal should be the introduction of a representative of all native trees, as many native shrubs as possible, and representative interesting trees and shrubs which serve an educational purpose.
  • Certain areas should be left in a natural state.
  • Maximum use should be made of the arboretum for educational purposes.
  • The present arboretum is an important asset of the college.


Baldwin Wallace University Campus Tree Map

The Fullmer Arboretum features a diverse collection of species and ecosystems, including:

  • More than 1500 trees belonging to 107 species (as of summer 2016)
  • Eight species of oaks
  • Native plant garden that creates meadow habitat for pollinators
  • 53% of trees on campus are native to northeast Ohio.
  • Red maple is the most common species of tree on campus.

Campus Landscape Committee

Kathryn M. Flinn
Associate Professor of Biology
Chair, Campus Landscape Committee

Keith Lawson
Foreman, Buildings and Grounds

Ryan McCargar
Student Representative

Michael Melampy
Professor Emeritus

Become Involved

BW faculty and students remove invasive winter creeper from a wooded area of the Fullmer Arboretum

Alumni and Friends
Support the campus landscape fund to label campus trees, increase interpretive signage, dedicate trees for memorial plantings, maintain gardens, support student projects and plant more trees!

BW Students
Contact Dr. Kathryn Flinn to find out how to get involved in studying and improving our campus landscape.